Donate To The SC American Revolution Trust

Help Us Build The Trust

Why Donate

At SCART, we’re on a mission to find, preserve, protect and promote the people, places and artifacts that tell the story of South Carolina’s role in the American Revolution…into perpetuity.

You can help us build the Trust by donating financial resources or artifacts to our growing museum of history and lore.  Your donation allows us to grow our collection of high quality, well researched physical and digital resources related to the American Revolutionary War in South Carolina.

  • Keep history alive by preserving years and years of information and work created by amateur and professional historians alike.
  • Protect the vast trove of stories, artifacts, records and places that changed the course of America forever.
  • Share South Carolina’s history and stories with the world.

Two Ways To Build The Trust

There are two fundamental ways you can help us build the Trust.

Donate A Library or Collection

Do you have a library or collection of historical artifacts, revolutionary books, or carefully curated research? We might be a good long-term solution to preserve your legacy.

Donate Funds

SCART is working to preserve knowledge and research for future generations. If you’re interested in helping our team in their efforts, your donation will help pay for our ongoing operations including artifact acquisition, housing/hosting, preservation work, and education efforts.